These photos were taken in Costa Rica three years ago on the Fall Equinox and they will always remind me of the power of Mother Earth – and the goddess Gaia. Look at how small I am in the bottom right corner of the giant gorgeous tree.
I love the fall – cooler temperatures, cashmere sweaters, hot tea, my birthday, and bugs have returned to hell where they belong. During this time of equal parts of sun and moon, we are being asked to find the balance happening in our exterior world, and also what is occurring within ourselves. Knowing that the duality of light and dark exists in us, the equinox calls us to discover a balance between the two. After the great light of summer, we must learn to welcome the depth and the mystery of fall. This is also a time of endings that have to occur to make way for new beginnings.
Mother Nature begins preparing for a type of death, and we too may feel called to let things go. Because life is a circle, and nothing truly grows unless it dies. I find that there is beauty in new beginnings that start quietly under the darkness of colder months.
As our home planet aligns in this perfect harmony and balance on the Equinox, maybe we can recognize that we are as much the tree as it is us, and we are as much our enemies or the people we admire as they are us, we are all just an independent expression of the same soul.
At this sacred celestial time connect the dark and light; the yin and the yang; the masculine and feminine, because if we allow it, life can truly begin all over again in the fall.