
My Time With The Mystics

“A mystic is a man who separates heaven and earth even if he enjoys them both.”
G.K. Chesterton, in Tolstoy (1903)

I’ve decided to spend each day reading the works of different mystics. I’ll probably begin with Thomas Merton and … [Read More...]

If I Could Speak to Myself Twenty Years Ago Today

Happy Birthday! You won’t believe what I see from this vantage point. The years are stretching before you like a long and winding road. Saddle up. I don’t want to scare you, but there is a forest up ahead. One that is dense and so dark, the sunlight won’t reach you for such a long time. You will … [Read More...]

Meditation and Entrepreneurs

Have you ever leaped into something, heart first without thinking of what might happen? Yep, me too. And now I am in the middle of building something out of nothing and I am finding each day brings yet a new challenge. Which is ok, I love the climb, but I also have discovered I need a way to … [Read More...]

Michelle Cromer