What are your thoughts on Artificial Intelligence as it relates to Feng Shui, Jesus, and Aliens? This is the question I got from a viewer, so let’s unpack this.
Let’s take aliens first since I know the least about them. So, let’s put our science crash space helmets on and ask if UFOs were spaceships from other star systems then how do they cross the interstellar void? Let’s break this down into two parts:
- One light year equals 32 million trips around the earth. Astronomers measure interstellar distances in light years which is the distance light travels in a year and spans six trillion miles that’s 12 zeros. The Milky Way Galaxy is about 100,000 light-years across. And that is just our neighborhood. Space is a big, huge place. When UFOs come for a visit, these are the distances they have to cross.
- UFOs obey the speed limit because the universe has a maximum speed limit, and nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. So, I think UFOs are magical. And they are way more advanced than we are. How they relate to feng shui is that they must have found a way to stay in the cosmic flow and manipulate laws on their behalf.
Feng Shui is older than Jesus, so it had to have been around, and I feel there has never been a human on our planet who was more balanced and who brought harmony and love to any situation. So, whether Jesus knew it, he was actually practicing the principles of Feng Shui.
Artificial Intelligence – let’s take the fear out of AI. My son August is a full professor at New York University, and he teaches the intersection between AI and art. I recently went for a visit and asked him if my fears were founded. He laughed and explained that humans seem to give AI much more credit than it deserves. As a writer, I specifically wanted to know about CHAT GPT. August said that CHAT can scour all the data banks and write something that is good, but CHAT does not have the capability to have original thoughts. This brought me a great deal of comfort.
Thanks for the questions!
Have any Feng Shui questions? Feel free to contact me at michelle@michellecromer.com and sign up for your Power Color or visit me on Facebook at Michelle Cromer Feng Shui.