I am always so shocked when a student or client asks me if feng shui is a conflict with their religious beliefs. And, I am always so grateful because the question gives me an opportunity to share my perspective and clarify any concerns.
I am fascinated with what people believe, so I studied theology for four years at the university level. I was taught that religions require a belief in a superhuman power like god or gods. They require a particular system of faith and worship of the superhuman god or gods. They require a commitment or devotion to the religious faith. And typically the religion has a set of rules and dogma that the believers adhere to and follow.
Feng shui is not a religion. It originated in China over 4,000 years ago, and it is a massive body of knowledge centered on the study of energy. Many of us were taught that energy is something that can be reduced down to one simple formula: E = MC2 (energy equals mass multiplied by the velocity of light). This formula for energy has imparted little if any true relevance for most of us in our day-to-day lives.
The ancient Chinese, on the other hand, have expanded upon that simple formula and turned it into a 4,000 year-long study about the transformational powerful aspects of energy, how it affects us, and, most importantly, how we can use it to our benefit. There are no geographical, cultural, or religious boundaries for using feng shui. Because energy is universal, feng shui is rendered neutral; it supports everyone, each with their own unique set of life goals and aspirations.
Simply put, feng shui is the system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in the relation to the flow of energy. It’s the ancient art of placement and the movement and balance of the five elements and the yin and yang energy or chi to achieve the results you desire.
Have any Feng Shui questions? Feel free to contact me at michelle@michellecromer.com and sign up for your Power Color or visit me on Facebook at Michelle Cromer Feng Shui.