
Tibet a Vanishing Nation

On a remote plateau thousands of feet above sea level, there used to exist a place whose chief attraction was the traditional virtues embodied by its culture; warmth, humility, and devotion. That place used to be Tibet. When I visited Tibet in the summer of 2005 I discovered a country … [Read More...]

What is the Meaning of Life?

I’ve been thinking about the meaning of life and the impermanent nature of it all. Observing how we do what we do, the struggles we put ourselves through, the drama, the pain, and the suffering.

When I look around, I see struggling—in my own life and in the lives of others. It seems like, … [Read More...]

The Power of Beauty

“The acute experience of great beauty readily evokes a nameless yearning for something more than earth can offer. Elegant splendor reawakens our spirit’s aching need for the infinite, a hunger for more than matter can provide.” ~ Thomas … [Read More...]

Michelle Cromer