I recently got an interesting question from one of my students: “In these transformational times, I am wondering what is the purpose of my life?”
This is a really big question, lighting up doorways your soul is encouraging you to walk through. Typically when I am asked this question the person wants to know what “career” they should be doing because so often in the West we reduce the purpose of our life to a job.
What happens if you drop the “my”? What is the purpose of life? Powerful. You shift the entire cosmic position. Show me what I am capable of understanding and allow me to serve where I am. What kind of guidance would you receive if you ask the question this way? Everything in your life becomes sacred. I believe the purpose of life is to love and that love manifests through acts of service and it is in the service of others that we experience personal transformation.
What is personal transformation? Everything I have learned about personal transformation began as I started my Feng Shui practice because I began to learn the story of us through each class I taught and home and office I Feng Shui. Personal transformation is about what is awakening within you. It’s a whole new part of you coming up for air.
Changing your relationship to personal transformation means awakening to some other way of being. Not simply doing things differently, but becoming a different person, both more aware and more alert in life. Such an individual transformation doesn’t just happen; an immersion of sorts is required, like Covid19 and the shutting down of the entire world, as well as a genuine reflection that allows the possibility of the transformation to rise to the surface. It takes courage to surrender to change — entering the caterpillar’s chrysalis is terrifying as hell, and it’s claustrophobic. Along the same lines, when a phoenix dies and bursts into flames, revealing a new, young phoenix, it’s not being healed — it’s dying. A new phoenix is taking its place. You must be willing to surrender and die in order to be reborn and transformed.
The college professor in me wants to bring up another time that was globally transformational and that was the Axial Age over 2500 years ago, which was fundamentally transformative, creative, and one of the most ingenious stages in human history. Most of the inhabited world experienced the shaping of great intellectual, philosophical, and religious systems. Culture emerged with the ancient Greek philosophers, and great traditions like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Persian Zoroastrianism, which is arguably a precursor to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. This was a revolution and a monumental transformational time in human thought. And I strongly believe that we are on the verge of another colossal transformational time right now.
Our world seems to be car-off-cliff-style crazy, but I am just so grateful that all of us are going through these transformational times together.
Transformation moments happen in the blink of an eye. Changing your relationship to transformation means awakening to some other way of being. Not just doing things differently.
Have any Feng Shui questions? Feel free to contact me at michelle@michellecromer.com and sign up for your Power Color or visit me on Facebook at Michelle Cromer Feng Shui.