I can’t recall when I have been this excited about spring. I feel like we have all been in winter hibernation for over a year, but finally, I am feeling a little bit brighter. Here are nine suggestions to put a spring back in your step.
- Spring Cleaning: Let’s create a space that powerfully supports your dream. Open up your curtains and wash the windows, then open them up to let in the fresh air. Declutter your living space and let go of any possessions that you no longer need. It will make you feel energetically lighter.
- Flowers: Treat yourself to beautiful fresh flowers or plant some to enjoy throughout the season.
- Breathe in and breathe out: Focus on the mind-body connection by downloading a meditation app. After relaxing allow the energies of the new season to stimulate you.
- Go outside: The weather is getting warmer, so put on some sunscreen and enjoy a dose of vitamin D.
- Self-care isn’t a perk it’s a necessity: You have worked hard all winter, so turn off your cell phone and be present in your life. Get a massage, go to a movie, take a long bath, or read a book.
- Write sentimental handwritten notes: Make someone else’s day and be creative in how you express your heartfelt sentiments and gratitude for those special people in your life.
- New vibe new you: The world opens up in spring, so it’s time for you to come out of your shell too. Brighten up any space with new pillows, change paint colors, and find some bright new artwork that you love.
- Love is in the air: What do you truly want? Take time to think deeply about yourself, and others, by asking deep and important questions about values, experiences, and dreams for the future.
- Travel: Make memories. Have adventures. Get lost in your favorite city. Fall in love under the stars with all the people you meet. The best moments of my life will be the ones that almost didn’t happen, with someone I never expected, in a place that is pure magic.
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