2020 was the Year of the Rat, which typically signifies a very fast-moving year and repertory issues. So that was true. It also was to be about renewal and the opportunity for success in new ventures. As we now know, the world did go through distinct changes, but not in the way anyone had hoped. Political turmoil, social unrest, economic decline, and a once in 100-year global pandemic severely altered all of our lives. While 2020 may seem like it was an epic disaster, the year of the Rat did present us with a new opportunity: to change the world for the better.
Every Chinese zodiac year is defined by one of the five elements. On February 12th, we start the upcoming 2021 year which is really the year 4720 in the Chinese calendar, and it will be the year of the Yin Metal Ox, and its message couldn’t be clearer: Success will come to those who work hard. Really hard. This year is about hard work, duty, and discipline. All the things that describe the dependable ox.
In former agricultural societies, oxen were reliable and strong work animals. They were responsible for the survival of humanity. And they always did their job. So what was happening in the rat year continues over into the Ox year to complete it, ground it, and bring it to its resolution. Each one of you, based on your birthday, was born under one of the 12 Chinese Animals.
You’re invited to a free Live Zoom Event I am having on February 10th at 11:00 am MST on the Year of the Yin Ox!
I’ll explain specifically what this year means to you based on the animal you happen to be. First I will show you how to determine your animal, and then I will give each of you forecasts on finances, health, career, and love, based on your unique animal.
All you have to do is click here to register. I have limited space so sign up today!
If you don’t get a spot, I will make sure the recording is available to anyone, but you still need to register.
Happy Year of the Yin Metal Ox!
Have any Feng Shui questions? Feel free to contact me at michelle@michellecromer.com and sign up for your Power Color or visit me on Facebook at Michelle Cromer Feng Shui.
I just bought a ox statue and receive it yesterday