Can you believe it?! Summer is pretty much over. And that means,….BACK TO SCHOOL! Do we have any college students reading this blog? If so, and you happen to be living on campus, I invite you to take a look at several Feng Shui Tips on how to enhance the energy of your dorm room for the upcoming college year.
Bed Position: Try to position the bed so it sits solidly against the back wall and make sure it has a headboard. This will elicit and instill in the student with a strong sense of support.
- The Door: This is a place where opportunity knocks so it is important that there aren’t any blockages that prevent the entry door from opening easily. This could translate into blockages in life as well.
- EMF: Keep electronics at an arm’s length from the head when sleeping. Electromagnetic frequencies have been linked to a host of health issues.
- Plants: Live plants will help to promote healthy living and growth.
- Wall art: Hang only images, pictures, and posters that speak to the heart and soul of the student and ones that will inspire the student to fulfill their purpose.
- Clutter: Eliminate any objects that are not considered absolutely necessary to the academic experience so that the student can open up to new ideas, teachings, philosophy, and opportunities.
- Garbage: Empty the garbage pail daily. Taking out the trash clears the energy for new opportunities.
- Bathroom door: No one should sleep with the bathroom door open. The bathroom is a room of elimination and can drain energy and opportunities away.
- Hanging Crystal: Place a hanging crystal in front of a window which will allow prisms of rainbow light to move easily through the room enhancing creativity.
Roommates, small spaces, and bolted-down furniture may threaten to foil your Feng Shui plans, but don’t get hung up on things you can’t change. While you may not be able to implement every principle of Feng Shui you read about, there are simple and quick changes anyone can make that, according to Feng Shui principles will have lasting positive impacts on your relationships, work, and stress levels.
Best of luck this year and always!
Have any Feng Shui questions? Feel free to contact me at michelle@michellecromer.com and sign up for your Power Color or visit me on Facebook at Michelle Cromer Feng Shui.