Staying in the present moment is no longer a concept reserved for the new age set.
In these crazy coronavirus times, staying in the present can be an antidote to stress and anxiety. And, the present moment and creativity go hand-in-hand. Actually being aware of the present moment boosts creative thinking and challenging creative work can get us into a flow state of heightened awareness and consciousness.
The practice of cultivating a focused awareness on the present moment is both a daily habit and a life long process, but half of the time our minds are all over the place and we have a very hard time sustaining attention.
If you want to become more aware and more creative but are struggling with how to stay present, try engaging in your favorite creative practice. Whether it’s baking, drawing, singing in the shower, or gardening, notice how your thoughts quiet down as you get into the state of flow.
While in this state of flow engaging in imaginative thinking and fantasizing may even make us more present and more creative.
According to Feng Shui principals, you can also boost your creative flow by enhancing the creative section of your home, located in the middle of the righthand side of any space. To activate the chi consider putting creative artwork in this area and use this area to practice your breathing. Your breath is a barometer for your overall physical and mental state and it’s the foundation of staying in the present moment.
When your mind begins to spin out of control, simply stop and breathe in and breathe out. When you are focused on your breath, your mental discord will stop. You don’t think of the past, the future, or the virus, because you are focusing your attention on your breath.
We have had a profound capacity to destroy, but we also have a profound capacity to create, to believe and to know that we have this incredible power within each of us.
Stay safe and well!
Have any Feng Shui questions? Feel free to contact me at and sign up for your Power Color or visit me on Facebook at Michelle Cromer Feng Shui.
thank you.