After having a Feng Shui practice for over 15 years I have discovered that most people want to make a quick and simple surface lifestyle change. Most are not willing to look at their own self and make real change, they want to move some furniture around and make the house do the work. That is not how Feng Shui works. At least not to me. At least not to the ancient Chinese. The success stories I have experienced always start with the intention of the person and the power they have within.
Metaphysical Feng Shui requires a change in attitude and a self-analyst. It takes the power out of the hands of external circumstances and delivers it where it belongs -within each of us. You can’t change what’s going on around you until you start changing what’s going on within you.
There are many ways to understand life, the universe, and you: through superstition, religion, philosophy, science, etc. While each approach has its own experts – scientists, priests, philosophers, doctors, poets – all are simply blind people receiving different impressions from touching an elephant. A priest may feel its legs and life is a tree trunk; a scientist holding its tail may find that life is ropelike; a poet feeling an ear may proclaim life is like a lotus leaf, and so on. From each of their perspectives, their expert conclusion makes sense and is based on knowledge. As we all know, their theories are merely parts of the whole picture.
I too am one of the blind. And because I touch a different part of the elephant, I have developed my own theory about the relationship of the universe to human life and the relationship we each have with ourselves. My insights come from spending time in Peru, Spain, Israel, two trips to Tibet, and studying in China-, which during 5000 years of civilization has spawned many diverse and meaningful concepts. Among the most arcane yet practical of these concepts is Feng Shui.
You are far more than your personality, more than your habits, more than your achievements. You are an infinitely complex human being with stories, myths, and dreams, and ambitions of cosmic proportions. Remember, no one is you and that will always be your greatest power.
Have any Feng Shui questions? Feel free to contact me at michelle@michellecromer.com and sign up for your Power Color or visit me on Facebook at Michelle Cromer Feng Shui.
Schedule your one or two-hour phone session today!
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