We all have those people in our lives, the ones that continuously stress us out. And for some reason, these people tend to live rent-free in our minds. Feng Shui explains that our homes are the outward expression of our minds so here are a few tips utilizing the outward expression of your home and the inward expression of your mind to evict these people once and for all.
- Physically: Clean out the clutter from your house. Clutter is stagnant energy, and we need the chi to flow. No excuses. Get rid of it. This stagnant energy is preventing you from moving forward in your life and it is contributing to a person being stuck in your thoughts. We can’t deny what happens in the world or in our own lives, but we always have the choice as to how to respond to it. Mentally: Clean out the clutter from your mind. When the person you want to evict enters your mind stop and say to yourself, “Cancel, delete,” as if you are erasing the thought as if it were words on a computer.
- Physically: Gather up any items from the relationship. Get a container and fill it with old photographs and any gifts that were received from this person. All these items contain the chi, and they need to physically be removed from your space.
Mentally: Music can activate feelings. Do not listen to any music that reminds you of this person and do not look at old texts, emails, or social media platforms for the same reason. - Physically: Take an Epsom salt bath. Soaking in a relaxing Epsom salt bath has cleansing abilities and can help clear away any negative feelings or negative energy that surrounds you from others. And this will keep you grounded. Salt, after all, comes from the earth.
Mentally: Clear away negative thoughts through meditation. When you empty your mind, you will find that you make room for innovative ideas and solutions. You will feel deeply connected to the whole. Thoughts are forms of energy and chi so be aware of your thinking. Monitor your thoughts. - Physically: Move items around in your home. The air in small spaces tends to become stagnant. Move items and furniture around, open all the windows and doors, and burn incense or sage throughout the house. The fresh air will clear out any stress and negativity.
Mentally: Move the chi in your mind by moving your physical body. Moving your chi physically every day will prove to empower, inspire and get your chi set for the rest of the day. You will feel energized.
At the end of the day, your mind is the sanctuary you’ve literally spent your entire life building, cultivating, and investing in. You carry your mind with you everywhere and for every second of the day. And one that you will take with you to your grave. It is far more important than your physical home. Treat it that way. Evict the toxic people from your mind and then fill your mind with love.
Have any Feng Shui questions? Feel free to contact me at michelle@michellecromer.com and sign up for your Power Color or visit me on Facebook at Michelle Cromer Feng Shui.
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