In Texas, we have a saying, “If a dog will bring you a bone, he will take a bone.” In other words, listen carefully to how a person speaks about other people to you. This is how they will speak about you to other people. If you are the subject of gossip, here eight Feng Shui tips that can help.
- Don’t care: Release the need to care what anyone is saying about you. Ever. My grandmother used to tell me that what someone says about me is not my business. Meaning it’s their business. When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try to control how others see you.
- Bed placement: Take a look at where your bed is in your bedroom. Is it in a commanding position? This means that when you are lying in bed, you are facing the door without being directly in front of it. By simply shifting your position, your perspective will change and the chi in your home will support you.
- Sound: There are vibrations moving through your home and your life which sound can cut through and transform your chi. Anything will work as an instrument, singing bowls or bells. I clear my space each day with bells I bought in Tibet in 2005. Each week I start at my front door and ring my bell clockwise around the first floor of my home.
- Oranges: Believe it or not, oranges are like gold when it comes to clearing out negative energy. The shape and the color invoke bright, yang, solar energy. Make sure to eat them and I like the number nine because it is so auspicious in Feng Shui.
- Sage: Sage is so effective in clearing out a space. Since you have gossip around you I would also sage myself. Just light the sage and start at your feet make small clockwise circles beside your body and then continue over your head. As you do this, imagine the gossip is floating away like sage smoke.
- Plants: Plants are my go-to for strengthening and clearing a space. Make sure they don’t die!
- Black tourmaline: Consider having a small bowl of black tourmaline and place it in the middle back section of your home – the fame and reputation section. They will absorb and harmful energy.
- Rose essential oil: Rose oil will support the love you give and receive and symbolically keep you surrounded by that high-frequency vibration.
Gossip and misinformation will feel unfair but stay above it, trusting the other people will eventually see the truth.
Have any Feng Shui questions? Feel free to contact me at michelle@michellecromer.com and sign up for your Power Color or visit me on Facebook at Michelle Cromer Feng Shui.
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