“If you wish to understand the Universe think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration” — Nikola Tesla
There are 12 universal laws — the law of vibration being one of them. A person’s vibration is their state of “being” and “wellbeing”. Everything in the universe is made up of energy, vibrating at a certain frequency. Every thought, every body, every matter, every belief, and every emotion is a form of energy. Everything vibrates at either high or low frequency.
To prevent your body’s frequency from dropping to lower levels, become aware of these things:
- People and Places
The people in our lives can drain our energy and lower our body frequency. Some places you visit may also cause your vibration to drop. People may make you feel whatever it is they are feeling and if they are negative things, you also can feel negative and the opposite is true — when you have a conversation with a high vibrational person, and might find that you feel great afterward! - Worry and Overthinking
We all fall victim to worrying but constantly worrying and overthinking really affects a person’s vibrational frequency. Both worry and overthinking vibrate at very low frequency. People with high frequencies tend to worry and overthink less. They know how to let go of situations they can’t control; they surrender and let go of control. - Social Media and the News
There are plenty of times that the news has left me feeling fearful. While it’s important to stay updated on what’s happening around the world, watching the news, which mostly spreads fear, lowers a person’s vibration. Most people who vibrate higher barely watch the news. They know how it makes them feel, so they steer clear or limit the time spent watching. They only consume information that uplifts you and makes them feel good. - Negative Thinking and Negative Self-Talk
Negative thinking and negative self-talk can have a negative effect on our lives. It causes us stress, anxiety, and depression. For many people, it has become a habit. A habit that keeps you stuck low vibrational frequency. Those who vibrate higher control their negative thinking. They know not to get attached to the thought that is affecting the ways they feel, and they also talk to themselves like they talk to a dear friend. The consequence of negative self-talk is a low vibration. Junk Food and Sugary Beverages
Everything in this universe is energy, including the foods and beverages we consume. Every time we eat or drink something, we absorb that food’s energy into our body. The quality of the food you eat has a huge impact on your vibrational frequency. Some foods vibrate at very high frequencies while others vibrate at very low frequencies. Eating healthy and nutritious food that is natural and unprocessed gives your body the nutrients it needs — which purifies your body, boosts your energy level and raises your vibration. Junk food does quite the opposite. Fresh foods and herbs can be higher if grown organically and eaten freshly picked. Processed and canned foods have the lowest vibration.- Mess and Clutter
Clean spaces promote feelings of peace and serenity, which makes you feel incredible! A messy and cluttered environment automatically lower’s person vibration and makes them more likely to feel stressed. Mess in our physical environment weighs on the mind. Clutter can weigh down on our energy field as well and lower vibration. - Gossip and Jealousy
Gossip, jealousy, and envy are all low vibrational things. It never makes a person feel good. People who are constantly vibrating higher do not engage in such activities because they are aware it can lower their frequency. Whatever we project out, we get back. Gossip, jealousy, and envy keep you from being happy and therefore keep you from experiencing the bliss of a high frequency. - Closed and Narrow Mindset
A closed-minded person is not open to new information. With a closed mind, you miss out on important information. There are always new things to learn and no one person knows everything. An open-minded person is open to new information, even if they do not always agree. An open-minded person is open to learning new things and seeing the world in new perspectives. They are open to new information and have the wisdom to decide between right and wrong while learning. - Victim Mentality and Martyr Complex
It is so easy for us to get into the victim mentality, which is where we feel that things are being done to us. People with high frequency understand no one is to blame for the situations they find themselves in. They take inventory of their lives and take responsibility for the role they played. A person with a martyr complex goes out of their way to find situations that are likely to cause distress or other sufferings. And these things do nothing good for a person’s vibrational frequency.
Have any Feng Shui questions? Feel free to contact me at michelle@michellecromer.com and sign up for your Power Color or visit me on Facebook at Michelle Cromer Feng Shui.