Feng Shui is a traditional Chinese concept that links our destiny to our environment. It aims to ensure people live in harmony with their surroundings. There is a deep belief in chi, which is the animating force that is everywhere. It’s invisible energy. The purpose of feng shui is to enable you to tap into this chi energy in order to remove obstacles to free up the flow of the chi.
The principles of feng shui have existed for thousands of years. It was first used in China for the graves of the royal family and then the ancestors. Like the Terracotta Army which was the first known grave site that used feng shui and this was the grave site of the Emperor, The Chinese king Fu Xi. He devised the eight trigrams through the observation of the natural world as seen on the back of a tortoise shell.
The king was sitting on the bank of the Yellow River when a tortoise emerged and this concept was downloaded into his consciousness. The eight tortoise markings became the eight-sided map known as the bagua or the energy map of feng shui. Each section of the eight-sided map corresponds to one of the eight areas of our life experience: career and journey; knowledge; helpful people and travel; family and health, children and creativity, wealth and prosperity, fame and reputation, and relationships and marriage.
Taoist cosmology is structured on five natural elements: fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. Everything in heaven and earth is characterized by the constant interplay among the five elements, which are in constant motion. In feng shui, the balanced blend of these five elements and the yin and yang, male and female chi creates a harmonious environment.
Seeing that feng shui has been around since the 9th century BC, and is still popular today means it has had a historical impact and there is a reason for its longevity. It works. So when I hear people say feng shui is part of the new age movement which is only around 60 years old, I just say, “bless your heart” as we say in Texas.
Have any Feng Shui questions? Feel free to contact me at michelle@michellecromer.com and sign up for your Power Color or visit me on Facebook at Michelle Cromer Feng Shui.