Is it just me or is your life crazy right now? Relationships, finances, health, it seems like there is a full moon every day!
Listen to the replay as discuss the Saturn Return, Venus retrograde and what all of this means to you and your life.
Is it just me or is your life crazy right now? Relationships, finances, health, it seems like there is a full moon every day!
Listen to the replay as discuss the Saturn Return, Venus retrograde and what all of this means to you and your life.
Award-winning author Rebecca Downey will be discussing her latest novel, The Middle Eye, the new Penny Larkin series of paranormal thrillers set on the U.S.-Mexico border.
For the last twenty years, she has worked in higher education as a marketing specialist.
She has had a lifelong interest in criminal justice and has published articles on law enforcement issues in magazines, newspapers, and business journals.
Have you ever wanted to go on an inner journey towards growth and understanding?
Listen to the replay us as we talk with author Betsy Otter Thompson as she explains her theory of emotional action/reaction which enables us to see ourselves honestly and provides us with practical skills for achieving a richer, more meaningful life experience.
At the core of every soul, the seeds of truth and grace await for you to awaken them. Listen as author and speaker Laurel Geise talks about her new book: The Jesus Seeds; Igniting Your Soul-Guided Life.
Listen to the replay and learn how to activate the light inside of you so you can have access to the cosmic encyclopedia of life!
Who will be elected President? Where will earthquakes occur? Will there be more UFO sightings? How will the economy do this year?
Get answers to these questions and many more from psychic Kelli Hansen Miller when you listen to the replay of this show!