For decades I thought the phrase, “you create your own reality” was ridiculous and bordered on egotistical. What if I wanted to be a NASA astronaut? Could I snap my fingers and create that? How about a new red Audi? Could I create that? As a religious studies student in college, I felt this concept was disrespectful to God because I felt it put me on the same level as the higher power. Who was I to say I can create anything? Obviously I didn’t understand the complexity of this idea.
After my formal studies in comparative religions, I realized that this is not just another new age statement. The Buddha said, “What you dwell upon you become.” Jesus said, “It is done unto you as you believe.” Hindu mysticism from Shankaracharya says, “Whatever a person’s mind dwells on intensely and with firm resolve, that is exactly what he becomes.” It says in the Talmud, “We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.”
As my studies expanded so did my mind. I learned that the deeper message of this belief is one of empowerment, where I am always the creator of my thoughts and actions. More importantly, this message points out that we don’t need a powerful career or more things to collect, the point is to experience meaning, purpose, and well-being in our lives. Fortunately, with the proper focus, that is within our ability to create.
Learning to participate in the co-creative process is like learning to play chess. You can learn the rules of the game in a few hours, but it takes weeks if not months to truly understand the game and it may take years to master. Learning to intentionally create is no different. There are, however, some simple, yet powerful steps to becoming a co-creator, such as managing your thoughts, creating a powerful mantra to keep you in the present moment, and developing spiritual disciplines like prayer and meditation. I do not know of any magic pill that can create change overnight, but I do know these steps are like a magic formula that will create permanent transformation if vigorously applied.
I now believe that the real meaning behind “you create our own reality” is that it is meant to liberate us. Its primary purpose is to make us start focusing on what our lives can be if we live courageously, honestly, and truthfully. Now I ask myself questions like, “How am I creating my reality? From what level? Am I using it to access the bigger part of me or the smaller, vain shallow part of me?”
What if creating our reality is about trusting that we can be happy and at peace with the uncertainty of life no matter what occurs? Maybe it’s less to do with making sure everything works perfectly in our favor, to instead seeing everything as it unfolds as already perfect. Chances are good we are alive and present at this time for much more than playing it safe and getting everything we ever thought we wanted.
In this video, I give you four things you can do to co-create your reality.
Have any Feng Shui questions? Feel free to contact me at michelle@michellecromer.com and sign up for your Power Color or visit me on Facebook at Michelle Cromer Feng Shui.
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